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Ali Sezen Born in Karaman in 1954 was graduated from Ege Univetsity, Faculty of Medicine, in year 1980. Mr. Sezen completed his specialization in Sri-Lanka, “International University Medicina Alternativa” on acupuncture and homeopathy in 1984. Having completed his studies in “International Acupuncture Science” in University of Seul, South Korea, He received PhD title in 1986.

Board membership to “Academia Diplomatique de la Paix (PAIX-MUNDI) in 1986 with headquarters in Brussels gave him ability to be holder of Diplomatic Passport. He was appointed to be founder member of “Commonwealth Institute of Acupuncture & Natural Medicines” whose honorary chairman is Queen Elisabeth, in 1987. World Health Organization took a joint decision together with PAIX-MUNDI and Medicana Alternativa to award Mr. Sezen with a golden medal in World Alternative Medicine Convention held in Denmark, in 1987. XV. World Medicana Alternativa Acupuncture&Natural Medicines, held in 1988 in Spain was chaired by Mr. Sezen.

In 1989, titled as professor by “The Open International University for Complimentary Medicines”, Sezen got awarded with “Royal Order” by International Medicana Alternativa Assembly (IMA). He chaired the organizational committee of “World Acupuncture & Naturel Medicines Convention” in 1990, Havana, Cuba. In 1991, he has become founder member of “Eciwo Biology Association”, headquarters in China. 1992, honorary professor title by University of Mutlan in Pakistan and 1993 “Hanourable Pandit” award by IMA, was given to Prof. Sezen. He served as secretary general of IMA between 1993-1996. In 2005, he became chairman to International Magnetotheraphy Association.

Since 2007, he has been lifelong member of trustees of “International Foundation for Disabled People”. A park in Ümitköy Ankara was named “Dr. Ali Sezen Parkı” after him in the year 1997.